Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Paths to cross. Beaches, oceans of dreams, what we know, what we want, what we need, to give, not to take.

Peace ๐Ÿƒ Joy ๐ŸƒHappiness, lucky breaks for many, coins to flip, seasons of givers, takers, sons to shine. Dreams in works, houses and homes, how to give back. Bored to tears, have to build something, woman to man, strangers to friends, starting now, to the beginning. 

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The best you, I have yet to met, today, at the local Costco, have to get gas, go shopping for the month. Need a ear and a friend (IE)
Image result for Sima and Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998,

I seriously have had a year. I don’t want sex ((ugh I’m a idiot)) and I need a friend. I’m a busy female but I make time for what I want to. I’m in the middle of a bad divorce and I am a Mom. I’m not looking to date or to have a fwb. I just never sleep and I really have no one in my life after he walked out. My life is pretty set but emotionally I’m exhausted. 
Image result for Sima and Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998,
Please be single PLEASE and please be real. Please be willing to chat and be non judgmental. Please don’t try and be slick to get in my pants I’m honestly not there. I just don’t want to feel used or abused. Just friendship I am very done. I’m on CL because I don’t go out I hardly drink and I am very busy.... thank you for reading...
Paths to cross. Love to All ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›. GRRRRRRR .Can we try that. Friendship again.Understand Normal Thinking!๐Ÿ’–Searching for men to date, tall, retired, over the age of sixty, views, voices, values, over the decades,they do change. ๐Ÿ’–Paths to cross. Beaches, oceans of dreams, what we know, what we want, what we need, to give, not to take. 

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